The Council of observers
The governance of the National Health Observatory is ensured by a Council of observers composed of the following members (one full member and one alternate member for each area of expertise):
- an expert with skills in epidemiology
- an expert with skills in public health
- an expert with skills in health systems analysis
- an expert with skills in registry management
- an expert with skills in population health studies
- an expert with skills in health statistics or a biostatistician
- an expert with skills in health economics
- an expert with skills in demography
- an expert with skills in measuring patient-reported outcomes
The Council of observers adopts:
- the various reports and proposals of the Observatory
- the areas and orientations of the Observatory's multi-annual work programme
- the Observatory's budget proposals
- the Observatory's requests for human or technical resources
The Council of observers gives its opinion on all matters within the Observatory's field of competence that the Minister submits to it or on its own initiative.
The President of the Observatory
The President of the Observatory is appointed from among the observers by Grand-Ducal decree on the proposal of the Minister. The President is responsible for the functioning of the Observatory and is the hierarchical head of the staff.
The team
The National Health Observatory will be composed of a multidisciplinary team of about ten people.